
The Subjective Truth & Your Innate Power
Truth is a feeling. It is an energy that, once touched, can only be explained through the most magnificent and encompassing of words. We each have a subjective relationship with Truth. It whispers to us through our intuition; it manifests in our hearts as inspiration; it feels right when we are in our Truth, when we speak our Truth, when we love each other from a place of Truth. The position of Truth is integrity, and when we are with someone who is an integrous person, we can feel the safety, stability, and peace of this person.

Gratitude & the Miracle of Life
There is a certain texture to the feeling of gratitude that transcends labels of happiness, joy, or love. Gratefulness, just like meditation, can be tread to the point of Enlightenment. It is when we realize that all of life is experienced in the present moment that we can feel grateful for all that is, was, and all that ever will be.
Dogmatic About Non-dogma: A Lesson in Discernment
I felt triggered… after the “shaman” shared his beliefs as truth. I sat with my feelings, quieting my mind to hunt for the righteousness within me… I know anger is an incredibly valuable emotion because it offers the opportunity to discover where I am still in victimhood… What belief is here? What am I not allowing myself to see yet?