The Subjective Truth & Your Innate Power

Words are frameworks to communicate ideas. When we use a word like “spirit” or “God”, this may invoke different ideas in each person. One person might imagine a wise old man in the clouds; another might see a smiling, fat Buddha; and still others might imagine the ikoros of teacher plants like Ayahuasca, weaving threads of wisdom and healing. While these ideas may be different, consider the feeling of a word like “spirit” or “God”... locate the inner sensation, the intuitive Knowing within of what this idea invokes. This feeling is deeply subjective and yet is also shared. Feelings convey energy, and the energy of a word like “spirit” or “God” is the same for everyone–it is universal, ineffable, vast beyond the ability for the mind to comprehend, let alone communicate. Ideas are subjective, but when we distill down to what the evoke within us, the feelings and energies are shared with everyone.

Many volumes of texts have been written about spirit. They are all attempts to capture the felt sense of a power greater than oneself, yet felt within one’s Self. When we look to the cosmos and wonder if there is benevolence guiding the motions of the stars and the direction of our lives, it is easy to lose oneself in the idea of spirit. It is easy to lose track of the intimately personal feeling in one’s body, in one’s heart, of what spirit feels like.

Often, we hear people prescribing their healing to the medicine or spirits. It is almost pretext in the shamanistic tradition of engaging in ritualistic consumption of plant sacraments. While we individually have our own beliefs, what we facilitate is the value in the inner understanding that the healing agent is you and only you. Plant medicine, spirits, God, spiritual readings, or even facilitators are merely accelerants–they can provide the environment, context, and tools to help make healing and becoming quicker and less painful–but they themselves do not hold the power to heal. You do.

We believe that the purpose of life is to pursue the Inner Journey towards Truth. At higher levels of consciousness, the idea of Truth becomes equivalent to the energies of Love, Peace, Oneness, and Allness. In other words, Truth is a feeling. It is an energy that, once touched, can only be explained through the most magnificent and encompassing of words. We each have a subjective relationship with Truth. It whispers to us through our intuition; it manifests in our hearts as inspiration; it feels right when we are in our Truth, when we speak our Truth, when we love each other from a place of Truth. The position of Truth is integrity, and when we are with someone who is an integrous person, we can feel the safety, stability, and peace of this person.

Spiritual teacher David Hawkins shares that as we escalate up the ladder of consciousness towards Enlightenment, we gain greater and greater access to Truth. Consider when you have been in states of anger, fear, or guilt… in these states, people are ruled by perception. Their view of the world is colored by the filter of their own emotions and the grip of their beliefs. Angry people see angry people all around them. Fearful people see a world fraught with danger. Now, consider when you have been in states of joy, love, and peace… when you have gazed into a lover’s eyes, relaxed under the warmth of a midday sun at the beach, and listened to the unencumbered laughter of children. In these states, the world is benevolent, full of possibility and opportunity.

The truth is that Truth is both subjective and objective. We have a subjective relationship to Truth, but this relationship only clarifies and purifies as we ourselves do the Inner Work to be more courageous, accepting, willing, loving, peaceful, and joyous. When we begin to let go of falsehood, we can open ourselves to Truth–and the objective, universal, and infinite energy of spirit and God manifest as objective Truth finally begins to be felt within the very fiber of our being.


Modern Enlightenment: How to Awaken, Heal, and Manifest


Gratitude & the Miracle of Life