The Price of Freedom
Imagine living a life free from fear, anxiety, stress, guilt, and hurt. Imagine the peace of being instantly forgiving, to enjoy every moment as if it's your first, to love every moment as if its your last. One of the great ailments that imprisons the human existence is the experience of rush. The cure to rush begins at the understanding that its source is the fear of death. Spiritual teacher Byron Katie shares that it is not a thought that creates suffering; it is that we believe the thought. Imagine surrendering the final belief that death is the end: who would you be without this thought?
The Myth of Manifesting
The paradox of manifestation is that the pathway to it is through letting go of desire and expectations, being present in the now, and loving what is. Manifesting does not come from an act of willpower or affirmations… It comes from orienting one’s inner state of being towards surrender and self-empowerment rather than control and victimhood. It comes from discovering, clarifying, and then aligning one’s life to values, which are the codification of our Inner Truth.