Thank You

Thank you for the connection between things
The energy that draws us together
The binding of the trees to each other
The roots of the Earth and the water underneath us
The soil that feeds us
The love from Maya to us all

Thank you for the principles that guide us
Our brothers and sisters near us
For the enemies that betray us. I thank you for their humanity.
For our leaders; may they guide us to glory and humility.

Thank you for the beauty of all things.
For the Great Divinity
For song, for dance
For my friends. Fraternity.
The love of my brothers, the smiles of my sisters.
The touch of lips. The softness of a kiss.

Thank you for our bodies.
The ability to climb.
To do great things.
To achieve, to grow.
To push forward through time.
To exercise my will.
Thank you for the power I feel.

The energy inside.
The child in my eyes.
The chance to be a father.
The opportunity to be a brother.
The gift of loving my mother,
The moment I forgave my father.

Thank you, Death,
For letting me hold his hand
As I whispered "I love you"
On his last breath.
Thank you for the time I shared with him,
With us, with all of you.

Thank you for the loss I have felt.
The permission to be human.
To be wrong, to be right.
To drive towards truth and justice.
For purpose. For discovery. For curiosity.

The moments of revelation.
The breaths of respite.
The gift of words.
My pen, this paper.
The discovery of truth.
My eyes. The gift of sight.
My memories. The gift of joy.

Thank you for my capacity to love.
The love of others.
Forgiveness of our fathers.
The embrace of my mother and the milk of her breast.
The nourishment of the Earth.
For impermanence. For the Holy Now.
The gift of life, the gift of death.
So that we may value our precious hours.
So that we may enrich others.
So that our short time in the passing of time
holds meaning.
Now and forever,
I thank you.
Feel my gratitude.


The Magic of Burning Man


Sunday Service Livestream from Journey 11