
The Mirror of You
Austin Mao Austin Mao

The Mirror of You

When we feel a feeling, where does it come from? All feelings are your own. They might be triggered by another, but that trigger only reflects what lays dormant within. We can only feel something so long as it exists within us. We feel an emotion to the degree in which a statement or action resonates with the energy within us. We feel love more intensely when we feel greater self-love. We feel anger more intensely when we feel greater anger towards ourselves. By allowing ourselves the grace to be with ourselves, to take ownership of our experience of reality, we can penetrate into the cracks of ourselves that love has yet to fill.

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Dogmatic About Non-dogma: A Lesson in Discernment
Austin Mao Austin Mao

Dogmatic About Non-dogma: A Lesson in Discernment

I felt triggered… after the “shaman” shared his beliefs as truth. I sat with my feelings, quieting my mind to hunt for the righteousness within me… I know anger is an incredibly valuable emotion because it offers the opportunity to discover where I am still in victimhood… What belief is here? What am I not allowing myself to see yet?

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