Let It Sing
Let it sing.
Let yourself surrender. Let yourself receive.
This path, who knows
Only the way knows the way
Let yourself relax. Breathe. Be messy.
Let yourself bend, let yourself fray
Nobody is perfect
We are all just trying our best
Sometimes we fail, sometimes we fall
We want to give it all up
When we feel there’s nothing left
Sometimes we want to scream:
It’s too hard. It’s too much. Help!
And we question what it all means
Yet, in every ounce of suffering
Underneath each breath
Sotto voce, you are here
Find the courage to be
Let it sing.
Your tears are your prayer
There’s nothing to prove
And nowhere else to be
Breathe, let yourself care
Surrender to the truth
Of what you’ve been afraid to see
It’s okay to cry, it’s okay to scream
It’s okay to hurt, to be broken, to be angry
To have done wrong, to have given up
To accomplish less than your dreams
It’s okay to be human
This is the gift, it’s been here all along
You deserve to feel love
You matter. This is your soul’s song
So let it sing.
This wealth, an endless pool of meditation
Of quiet, of thoughtless being
The bliss in the space between
The first breath and the final note
Don’t hold back, you’ve got it
Take up space. The world is waiting
Let it all go.
Let it sing, let it sing, let it sing
Let your fullness of life into being.
Your heart holds no bounds
There is no louder sound
Let loose the cannons of your dreams.
Praise, exclaim in God’s name
Scream at the top of your lungs