Awaken Together

Legal & Non-profit Psilocybin and Ayahuasca Retreats In Colorado

Ceremonia Journeys

96% say “most transformative experience of my life”

100% 5⭐️ Reviews

120+ testimonials

170+ alumni

25+ Journeys


Our Sacred Space in Denver, Colorado

Awaken. heal. Manifest.

Durable transformation requires long-term intention, commitment, and action. At Ceremonia, we facilitate a three-stage arc of Awaken, Heal, and Manifest over one to two years. Our intention is to guide members to unimaginable levels of peace, joy, and spiritual connection while avoiding undue suffering.

Each stage produces an awareness and intention escalating to the next stage: Awaken develops awareness, sovereignty, and commitment; Heal develops non-avoidance, responsibility, and inquiry through shadow work; and Manifest develops self-empowerment, surrender, and conscious creatorship of one’s truest dreams.

Awaken is a 8 week journey which includes two weeks of preparation curriculum, readings, meditations, and group coaching; a 5 day weekend retreat with psilocybin mushroom sacrament in our sacred space in Denver, Colorado; and 4 weeks of integration. The objective of Awaken is to introduce the three paths of the Mind, Body, and Spirit to wholeness and Oneness.

Heal is a 8 week journey including 2 weeks of preparation; a 5 day retreat with 3 sacred Ayahuasca ceremonies; and 4 weeks of integration. Level 2 is based in shadow work: the deepest held attachments, aversions, avoidance, and fears that inhibit us from reaching our full potential. Heal develops non-avoidance, responsibility, and inquiry through compassion, courage, and self-empowerment.

Manifest is a twelve-week journey which includes two 3 day retreats at the beginning and end of the program with mastermind coaching in between. This final track is about converting the organizing principles that drove us from the shadows into our greatest strengths in pursuit of pervasive joy, integrity, and complete alignment.

Modern Enlightenment

Watch Ceremonia co-founder Austin Mao share his transformation with plant sacraments and the synthesis of psychology, spirituality, and psychedelics that is shared at Ceremonia.

The Integrated Self

At Ceremonia, we believe there are three paths to enlightenment: the Ways of the Mind, Body, and Spirit. We facilitate the mind to question its own beliefs, the body to surface suppressed emotions and energies, and the Spirit to connect with the Highest Self.

The Way of the Mind, embodied in psychotherapy, is primarily concerned with developing awareness, taking responsibility for, and letting go of beliefs that create our own suffering.

The Way of the Body, embodied in somatics and psychodrama, is rooted in noticing, releasing, and expressing suppressed or repressed emotions that have led us to illness and impulse.

The Way of the Spirit, embodied in meditation, breathwork, and plant medicines, is designed to help members find the felt-sense of connection to the divine within and without through presence and acceptance.

The Path to Wholeness


The day of the Mind contains workshops to help you question your limiting beliefs and transmute lower energies of shame, fear, and anger to courage, trust, and peace. You will feel an opening into a curated field of group safety and vulnerability through intentional authentic relating. This enhances your capacity for non-resistance to be with what is—an essential tool for the evening’s plant sacrament ceremony.


The day of the Body is designed to provide tools and experience around helping you release suppressed emotional energy. This introduces shadow work: the elevation of the lower energies of shame, guilt, fear, desire, anger, and pride into the light of awareness. You will learn tools from psychodrama and somatic psychotherapy that will enable you to trigger, release, and be with long suppressed energies in a healthy way. These tools will help you explore the depths of your Self within the evening’s plant sacrament ceremony.


The day of the Spirit begins with breathwork, cold plunges, and contrast therapy to simulate and overcome the fear of death, which is believed to be the source of all fear. You will then learn tools of meditation and and presencing to connect with one’s Inner Child and Highest Self without plant medicine. This, in turn, provides awareness of one’s internal sovereignty and power to create their reality that gets crystallized within the evening’s breathwork experience.


Imagine sharing what our alumni call “the most profound experience of my life” with others embodying the same powerful transformation. What bonds could be formed?

When you invest your energy into a Ceremonia journey, you are also joining a community of incredible humans that have dived into the innermost corners of their hearts. Together, we have breached the limiting beliefs that have barricaded us from our Highest Selves. Together, we have embraced, cried, screamed, danced, celebrated, and contemplated the cosmos. Together, we are stronger, more resilient, connected, and empowered.

Together, we celebrate the ceremony of life.


  • Content vs. Process: the Key to Durable Transformation

    “Content” are the emotions, stories, beliefs, and challenges that come up in therapy and ceremony. “Process” are the tools by which we can transmute our content into love and peace. While the felt-sense of a new way of being with your content is the compass, the process is the map on how to get there.

  • The Human Experience: the Mind, Body, and Spirit

    The human experience consists of three layers: the mind, body, and spirit. The mind is a sharp tool. The body experiences emotions and projects intuition. The spirit is the ever-present, incorporeal knowing that is Love.

  • Modern Enlightenment: How to Awaken, Heal, and Manifest

    This talk presented by Ceremonia co-founder, Austin Mao, presents the 3-stage Arc of Transformation of Awaken, Heal, and Manifest towards living a more joyful, peaceful, love-filled, and purposeful life.

  • The Pursuit of Wholeness

    Wholeness is more than a state of being. It is a practice of persistently feeling truly and deeply. It stems from a value of consistently honoring one’s Self, allowing the beingness of life to exist, and surrendering pain before it becomes suffering.